
Configure Prescription Details

Repeat Prescriptions

For medications that are on repeat order, or for something you have had from us before, you can use the following options to order. Please order in plenty of time and allow us at least two working days from the time we receive your order until you pick up the prescription. They can be ordered in the following ways:


Online – follow this link to use our online prescription service. If you have not previously registered for this service please click this link and go tot he bottom of the page to follow instructions to register with Vision Online.


By Post – The right hand side of your last prescription gives details of your current drugs. Tick the items you require and post the slip to us. If you enclose a stamped address envelope we will post your new prescription back to you. Otherwise, you may collect it from your nominated pharmacy at least three working days after receipt of the request.


Drop Off at Practice – Leave your request in the black box provided on the wall outside our front door. Use either the right-hand side of your last prescription, or another piece of paper with your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, the names of the medication you require, and where you would like to collect the prescription from e.g. your nominated pharmacy. Please note that the receptionist on the front desk is not able to deal with prescription requests.


By Telephone – The prescription request lines are open 24 hours a day. Please leave the following information on our answer machine: your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, the names of the medication you require, and where you would like to collect the prescription from e.g. your nominated pharmacy.

  • Bridge of Don: Telephone 01224 551400
  • Udny: Telephone 01224 551435


Via your Local Pharmacy – Some local pharmacies provide an ordering and collection service. Further details are available from the pharmacy of your choice, but please allow three working days before trying to collect your medications.


For urgent requests for prescriptions of an item on your repeat list or something you have had from us before, please still telephone the appropriate prescription line, but state that the request is urgent. 

Resynchronising Medication

If your medications are not matching up every month, they may be out of sync. You can help us amend this by filling in the form below and handing it back to the reception desk or putting it in the black post box on our wall outside, or emailing it to Our prescribing clerks and in house pharmacists will review your medication, and then will do a 'short supply' of your medication to then match up (or sychronise) for your next order. Please see the attached form for more details. 


Synchronisation Form